Based on a suggestion from ajoy anna.. I am keying in some krazy acts (also Moments) of Maverix Reloaded For those of who don’t know what is Maverix ReLoaded, It is our gang in BIM, Trichy. It consists of 14 odd members and counting…. This will not be a list…Just a series of event.
1. “Kai thooku” – A cult formed during the 1 mid term examinations, the basic aim is to reduce the amount of mokkai – A group of words put together to create a sentence only on the aim of wasting the time of a another person. Once you put a Mokkai knowingly or unknowingly you have to raise your hand or u will be made to. This became so famous, that it took entire BIM by a storm. Even our IVEM professor once made a comment and raised his hand accepting his mokkai.
2. “Bar Tender” – This act is performed during one of those “blue” days. Yes, the days of boring classes. Sagar assumes the role of bar tender in the class, mixes some exotic drinks and distributes everything free of cost to all the back benchers.
“Nude Acts” – Those days when Ramsky gets drunk, it becomes a nightmare for me. I have to say yes and accept to all his requests, else you will be given the “Premiere” show by Ramnathan, with just a removal of his towel..
3. “VIP” – The flat N3/48 is actually cursed, people from MRL when the visit this place, they usually hang out in their Under wears
“Why Thandia “- One of the famous quotes made by MRL’s Ajoy in the public. It was a question raised on the reason for conducting an event, a tradition followed by BIM, for the past ONE years. This created so much controversy in BIM and people started looking at us some evil guys who don’t want any fun. But the truth is, when the same event happened on our first year in BIM, It rained heavily and the dance floor was drenched with rain water, when all the other people including organizers where buys sight seeing the Gujurati girls who have come for the event, we took the pain of clearing the Dance floor for them.
4. Well, well this is my blog, so I am reporting a Brutal Murder done by 3 persons on an Enfield. It happened on one fine day. As usual 3 people were “rightly” behind schedule for the class and 2 of them were without any medium for travel. Here comes our Ganny to the rescue with his blue bullet, he gives a lift for Mr.Rams and Mr.Ajoy, halfway through the journey the brutal event happens, A dog (a small one) comes in front of the bike, Mr. Ganny makes a dare, rides over the dog, as if going over a speed breaker in the road, thanks to the extra load added by our other friends on the bike, the dog died on the spot, making a sound “ahuum, ahuum”
5. Ganny’s dance performance in the mess for the song “Minsara kanavu – Vennilave” is a mentionable one; the entire mess was dazzled by his amazing dance movements.
6. This one is something out of this world
Scene : After booze situation (After 11 PM) Actors: Ramsky, Sankar Sir and Myself (Ramsky lying in his usual costume (strictly on his undies) Sankir Sir enters around 11 PM and calls in his usual tone “Ramanthan,, Ramnathan” Understanding our Ramsky’s situation I rush to our friend’s aid. During this time, our ramsky goes in a hurried manner to the bath room, with the only tooth paste we have, he goes in and swallows a quarter of Colgate tooth paste and the rest he uses to brush his teeth. (What a wonderful idea to remove the bad breath caused due to boozing). He enters the room the room showing all his 32 teeth, he seemed to be happy about something.
9. Sagar and Rams taking Shanpri by the legs and hanging him upside down from the balcony
10. Ajoy’s rampage with his cell phone number exchange game. (This is one hell of a creative thinking by our master Ajoy). If u want to really know about this game, leave a comment, I will be happy to explain the story right from the beginning
11. Shanpri’s dance performance for the “Allu Allu” song, during our farwell
12. Ajoy’s Booze, Dance and Vomit strategy
13. Ajoy’s “White Gorilla Story”
14. Bava’s romance idealogy’s and Romances in BIM
15. SVK – The Man, who imprinted his name in the history of BIM, by his enigmatic questions during Marwar
16. SVK dance performance above the tank
17. SVK’s stint with the dog
18. “HONK Hogan” – When our entire gang along with Juniors in 3 cars and a Quallis, and the honking of all the 4 vehicles around 12 am, waking all the bloody souls within the radius
19. The secret Chicken and Crab feast for maverix
20. Chittu Karthik’s letter to his so called Lover (a fake chat girl created by Rams and Sagar)
21. Ganny’s favorite place in the face of the earth – His room window, which is opposite to the mess. Man he never took his eyes from those windows
22. Our Jayamurugan – The Ussups, known for his snake bite stint during Yoker 2005
23. Rams, Sagar, Shanpri, Visky and Myself joining together for the first time, to create a never before seen dance sequence.
24. The Road Dinner – All of us along with some seniors having Parota and side dish dinner in the center of BIM street (i.e. ON the road)
25. Ram and Brahma Freak show –
Brahma usually sleeps “only” with his towel and Rams “only” with his “Lungi”(Both sleep in the same room). One fine morning, both were in a deep slumber (I was in a deep sleep in another room). So starts our story, Rams lungi got loose and came off, he was sleeping with his back on the bed, on the adjacent bed Brahma’s Towel also came off, he was sleeping facing the bed and his back facing the wall. Now enters our innocent room cleaner, who after finishing his chorus comes to get a signature, knocks on the door getting no reply, he opens the door, to get the shock of his life, (from that day he always comes to our flat only after 9 AM to do the cleaning), adding to the misery is our Neighbor Saravana, he comes to our flat to borrow newspaper, he too being innocent, enters the room, poor guy he did not sleep for the next 2 days
26. “Kissu Kisssu” – this is the only thing that we discuss night and day, all the events and all the affairs are discussed to the full.
27. My presentation of “The Alchemist” along with Ajoy won many hearts.
28. Ganny cutting a cake in a restaurant to celebrate an event. The event – One of his favorite girl in BIM asked our beloved Ganny to pass a book in the library.
29. Sagar’s unique ability to give unique pose for the camera.
30. Sagar and Garibalti fight during OB (organizational Behavior) Class
31. The Lussasso Club (Consisting of Sagathy Ramaswamy (Raj anna) ,Sagar and me) - A club formed to recognize and Honor members with unique qualities.
32. Sagar and Myself playing a game of tennis (without a court, bat, ball and a net) in the pavement during a tea break in front of the entire girls.
33. Rams, Sagar and Myself watching horror movies by lying on a cot made for one(hugging each other to protect each other from the devil)
34. Our list of how to build a Home (carefully scrutinized after watching lots of horror movies), I will post this is a separate topic.
37. Sashi calling himself as "Fashion Designer" and giving fashion tips to a girl in Vietnam in Yahoo chat.
38. Sashi’s stint of throwing the cell phone whenever he is angry,
39. Sashi’s unique ASB (Attention seeking behavior) by crying in front of the crowd after losing a Volleyball match.
40. Ajoy’s Stint during Farwell along with the student from “United states of Tamil Nadu”
41. Sagar roaming from room to room to watch movies
42. Sledging done during the match b/w Samurai’s Vs Playboys.
43. The team “Vayasu Pasanga” formed for the cricket tournament within BIM. This team consisted of member whose age averaged 27 (the avg of our batch being 23).
44. Ganny wearing a bike helmet to bat for a Cricket match played with Tennis ball.
45. In another match (Ganny batting and myself doing the role of Wicket keeping) we both jumped like Kiran More and Javed Miandad in the pitch (during match)
46. Ajoy’s cricket commentary (in tamil) during the entire tournament (this got him many fans, including some girls)
47. Raj Prabu Winning first prize in dance competition.
48. Tag Team - Ram and me forming a Wrestling Tag team, we usally fight in our Under wear (The arena is the front room of N3/48 ) People thrashed by us - Shanpri, Sagar, Sai, Thatha
Usally after each thrashing is over, we provide the Icing by sitting on them (Rams and Me)(I will be updating with other acts done by us)
49. A Happy face becomes a sad one,
People who have assembeled in N3/48 make plans and plan their route of escape.
Sagar runs to his room telling everone that he is going to study.
Few use the Mottai Madi as a route of escape
Some fall asleep.
Sagathy makes a daring walk right through the lions den to his orginal room.
Others use Hell's Kitchen as a Hideout.
Make a wild guess, why all these are happening.
We have just heard the sound of a car parking in front of the Warden's Room.
Friday, September 08, 2006
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Why we dont have gf and we rock....
Why ‘we’ the elite group doesn’t have gf:
If you know tamil u can enjoy it a little bit more..
The often repeated topic. It seems to be a mystery until you really start
thinking. One of my personal favorites, why some men can never fall in
love or never get girl friends. Many of us just keep complaining without
thinking on what the inherent problem is. Thankfully I did it as a case
study and found out some important issues which might concur with a
majority of ppl who are rocking the same boat as mine.
1) You always sit in the last bench with the other class rogues and other “pazhams”
(studious chaps) who feel that its possible to get marks sitting in last row. In case of
workplace no girls are there in your project and u have like minded people like you
as colleagues and wherein your entertainment oscillates between the bars and
cinema theaters.
2) U obviously can’t groove and dance and dance around in a group in a disc by just
shaking your head or grooving your hip. Desi music directors are your favorites.
Deva simply rocks and u can’t wait for a gaana or a bangra number to crop up. Unf
you are too adept at dancing dappankuthu or desi dance not the americanised
western hip hop dance.
3) U perceive discotheque to be a place where u will have a chance to unleash your
dancing potential(“dappankuthu”) and occupy the center stage with 10 other fellow
rogues immediately throwing out the babes from the vicinity of the dance floor. This
automatically repels the women from you (they consider u as out of civilization, unf
we are the only people who can really dance...)
4) Your intelligence level mostly can take in just jackie chan,arnold and stallone
flicks. It can take in just action films whose contents can be absorbed. You just can't
take major english romance films. Desi romance rocks. We invariably are the DDLJ
and hum aapke hai kaun typos. Rajni , Kamal, Shahrukh, Mohanlal, Mammotty,
Chiranjeevi rock. Tom cruise is a dud!!! And invariably sucks... (Obviously. its
because of jealousy...)
5) You obviously don’t know how to make use of yahoo messenger and is used to
scold your online friends with the best choice of invectives, spread rumours about
other guyz, and ask them to book the latest movie tickets. You unfortunately dont
know how to flirt using yahoo messenger and are frequently at loss of topics when
you want to chat with some girl. Whereas u r deluged with strange topics to discuss
with your friend with whom you had lost touch for the past decade or so.
6) You can’t eat spanish, chinese foods and fav. restaurant invariably happens to be
woodlands,saravana bhavan or anandha bhavan types. Of coz we can’t forget
karpagam mess and mami's kadai and murugan idly. we frankly are clueless as to
what are bella ciao,wang's kitchen and things like that unless we happen to go an a
treat organised by the other guyz...:)
7) You dont see a reason why u have to go tobarristas or qwiky's when the local
corner "nair kada chaaya" tastes like nectar and satisfies you more than a barristas.
Lime tea is the best tea to have been invented by an human and you are thankful to
Nair for providing it to you.
8) Most of the jokes you know are adult jokes which you can discuss only with your
other fellow comrades and which again takes the opportunity from telling a joke to
the girl and impressing her. Besides you seriously tell very good jokes which the
blondes can't comprehend or think it is vulgar. You have to tell some absolutely
"Kadi jokes"(terrible bores) to make them laugh which though you try hard u will
never be able to. Most of the jokes u crack among ur comrades are used by your so called friends to impress girls “They usually use ur jokes to flirt”.
9) You seriously can’t start a topic with a member of the opposite sex. i have seen
guyz chatting with girls purely with emoticons for more than a hour. You can never
do that. You will have to crack real dumb jokes to start the conversation or falsely
extol them. The most important drawback we have is that we can’t talk about what
she had for breakfast. You seriously can't talk about that. We refer to those kinda
talks in tamil as kadalai.
Boy: what did you have for breakfast??
Girl: i had idli....
Boy: Is it??? Same pinch no back pinch i too had idli ..(he slyly pinches her)
and laughs..
Girl: Ouchhh(artificially) hurts..
Boy: ohh.. I am sorry and (tries to apologise..)..Then say "; i had sambhar for
Girl: (excitedly)...sambharrrrrrrr............ i had chutney....and giggles...
I swear I can’t tolerate any longer than this...this is not figment of imagination. I
have seen this...though I agree there may be exceptions...
10) U can’t sing bryan adams, sting, george michael's song... When they talk about
linking park you cannot even imagine who they are and the closest link you can
associate with them is Panagal Park.
11) U seriously are clueless as to what rock music are
12) U cant walk past a girl without passing a comment.
13) All thru college life u belong to this boyz gang and even in your gang nobody
has a girlfriend so there is absolutely an absence of the inspirational factor.
WITH ALL these attributes its difficult for guyz like us to fall in love or find a girl. But
it is not a sin after all. I guess we are not made for it. Let us accept that and be
proud of that. We are one among the few in the vanishing tribe and amen to it...
We have THE uniqueness that we remain single till we get married and having that
trait is really a virtue and who knows; we might be the elite clique in the future. So
all those of you who feel sad that they dont have Gf's chill!!! We are not made for it
and I swear for our characteristics a GF would not have added any value addition
and we are better off staying single till 28 or 30.
DISCLAIMER - Purely personal opinion of the researcher…
Guys and girls…. This is absolutely me…
There is no denying that…
If some girls think that this is ridiculous and not true…
Pls rethink the best jokes u have heard from ur flirting friends...
It is from a similar comrade like me….
3 words for you…. Hell with you…
And boys who think you also belong to this category…pls leave a comment…
I would be very happy to see one more comrade like me…
If you know tamil u can enjoy it a little bit more..
The often repeated topic. It seems to be a mystery until you really start
thinking. One of my personal favorites, why some men can never fall in
love or never get girl friends. Many of us just keep complaining without
thinking on what the inherent problem is. Thankfully I did it as a case
study and found out some important issues which might concur with a
majority of ppl who are rocking the same boat as mine.
1) You always sit in the last bench with the other class rogues and other “pazhams”
(studious chaps) who feel that its possible to get marks sitting in last row. In case of
workplace no girls are there in your project and u have like minded people like you
as colleagues and wherein your entertainment oscillates between the bars and
cinema theaters.
2) U obviously can’t groove and dance and dance around in a group in a disc by just
shaking your head or grooving your hip. Desi music directors are your favorites.
Deva simply rocks and u can’t wait for a gaana or a bangra number to crop up. Unf
you are too adept at dancing dappankuthu or desi dance not the americanised
western hip hop dance.
3) U perceive discotheque to be a place where u will have a chance to unleash your
dancing potential(“dappankuthu”) and occupy the center stage with 10 other fellow
rogues immediately throwing out the babes from the vicinity of the dance floor. This
automatically repels the women from you (they consider u as out of civilization, unf
we are the only people who can really dance...)
4) Your intelligence level mostly can take in just jackie chan,arnold and stallone
flicks. It can take in just action films whose contents can be absorbed. You just can't
take major english romance films. Desi romance rocks. We invariably are the DDLJ
and hum aapke hai kaun typos. Rajni , Kamal, Shahrukh, Mohanlal, Mammotty,
Chiranjeevi rock. Tom cruise is a dud!!! And invariably sucks... (Obviously. its
because of jealousy...)
5) You obviously don’t know how to make use of yahoo messenger and is used to
scold your online friends with the best choice of invectives, spread rumours about
other guyz, and ask them to book the latest movie tickets. You unfortunately dont
know how to flirt using yahoo messenger and are frequently at loss of topics when
you want to chat with some girl. Whereas u r deluged with strange topics to discuss
with your friend with whom you had lost touch for the past decade or so.
6) You can’t eat spanish, chinese foods and fav. restaurant invariably happens to be
woodlands,saravana bhavan or anandha bhavan types. Of coz we can’t forget
karpagam mess and mami's kadai and murugan idly. we frankly are clueless as to
what are bella ciao,wang's kitchen and things like that unless we happen to go an a
treat organised by the other guyz...:)
7) You dont see a reason why u have to go tobarristas or qwiky's when the local
corner "nair kada chaaya" tastes like nectar and satisfies you more than a barristas.
Lime tea is the best tea to have been invented by an human and you are thankful to
Nair for providing it to you.
8) Most of the jokes you know are adult jokes which you can discuss only with your
other fellow comrades and which again takes the opportunity from telling a joke to
the girl and impressing her. Besides you seriously tell very good jokes which the
blondes can't comprehend or think it is vulgar. You have to tell some absolutely
"Kadi jokes"(terrible bores) to make them laugh which though you try hard u will
never be able to. Most of the jokes u crack among ur comrades are used by your so called friends to impress girls “They usually use ur jokes to flirt”.
9) You seriously can’t start a topic with a member of the opposite sex. i have seen
guyz chatting with girls purely with emoticons for more than a hour. You can never
do that. You will have to crack real dumb jokes to start the conversation or falsely
extol them. The most important drawback we have is that we can’t talk about what
she had for breakfast. You seriously can't talk about that. We refer to those kinda
talks in tamil as kadalai.
Boy: what did you have for breakfast??
Girl: i had idli....
Boy: Is it??? Same pinch no back pinch i too had idli ..(he slyly pinches her)
and laughs..
Girl: Ouchhh(artificially) hurts..
Boy: ohh.. I am sorry and (tries to apologise..)..Then say "; i had sambhar for
Girl: (excitedly)...sambharrrrrrrr............ i had chutney....and giggles...
I swear I can’t tolerate any longer than this...this is not figment of imagination. I
have seen this...though I agree there may be exceptions...
10) U can’t sing bryan adams, sting, george michael's song... When they talk about
linking park you cannot even imagine who they are and the closest link you can
associate with them is Panagal Park.
11) U seriously are clueless as to what rock music are
12) U cant walk past a girl without passing a comment.
13) All thru college life u belong to this boyz gang and even in your gang nobody
has a girlfriend so there is absolutely an absence of the inspirational factor.
WITH ALL these attributes its difficult for guyz like us to fall in love or find a girl. But
it is not a sin after all. I guess we are not made for it. Let us accept that and be
proud of that. We are one among the few in the vanishing tribe and amen to it...
We have THE uniqueness that we remain single till we get married and having that
trait is really a virtue and who knows; we might be the elite clique in the future. So
all those of you who feel sad that they dont have Gf's chill!!! We are not made for it
and I swear for our characteristics a GF would not have added any value addition
and we are better off staying single till 28 or 30.
DISCLAIMER - Purely personal opinion of the researcher…
Guys and girls…. This is absolutely me…
There is no denying that…
If some girls think that this is ridiculous and not true…
Pls rethink the best jokes u have heard from ur flirting friends...
It is from a similar comrade like me….
3 words for you…. Hell with you…
And boys who think you also belong to this category…pls leave a comment…
I would be very happy to see one more comrade like me…
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
To err is Human
To err is Human…
This is the statement nowadays which is being used by many celebrities. I was surprised when I read an article about a Celebrity giving tips on parenting. She mentioned that she would do anything to keep their children away from the celebrity status their parents enjoy, so that their children will have a normal life, with the celebrity status of their celebrity status not affecting them, fair enough…As she went on giving some tips, she mentioned after all we are also human and we are also tend to make mistakes. I was literally shocked when I read that statement. She has taken for granted that as we are human we can make mistakes, as we like. She mentioned that To err is human, I think this is a statement to persons who work sincerely with an effort to not make any mistakes. The statement should not be taken for granted and assuming that errors are part and parcel of everyone’s life.
This is the statement nowadays which is being used by many celebrities. I was surprised when I read an article about a Celebrity giving tips on parenting. She mentioned that she would do anything to keep their children away from the celebrity status their parents enjoy, so that their children will have a normal life, with the celebrity status of their celebrity status not affecting them, fair enough…As she went on giving some tips, she mentioned after all we are also human and we are also tend to make mistakes. I was literally shocked when I read that statement. She has taken for granted that as we are human we can make mistakes, as we like. She mentioned that To err is human, I think this is a statement to persons who work sincerely with an effort to not make any mistakes. The statement should not be taken for granted and assuming that errors are part and parcel of everyone’s life.
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Enough of Football...
The last 2 posts were exclusively for football because of the worldcup thats happening and so hot..
West Indian Restaurant...
This time it is about my visit to an west Indian restarant which is in Bangalore in C.M.H road. Well Vadivel anna asked do u prefer non veg or veg...So I thought about it... It was a while since I had non Veg so I told him why not... I was busy with something . He made some calls nd we left for the restaurant around 2120 hrs, On the way he told he has called 2 of his friends to give me company. I asked why.. then came the truth he told he was a vegitarian...Damn me..How could I forget that....
Now the situation was a no turn back situation.. 4 of us went to the restaraunt..
It was called SUE Restaraunt. So once we entered the other guys gave a brief about the restaraunt.
They told that this restaraunt belonged to one lady who was supposed to be the KEEP of Sir Vivan Richards..the cricketing legend.. They also told that when West Indies toured Bangalore..The team had a buffet lunch in the restaraunt. and all the players signed in a bat which was kept for display.
So thats about the restaraunt..
U will ask why a blog dedicated to the restaraunt..You will know why very soon.
I opened the Menu book.. Everyting were like greek and latin to me..
1)Chicken bla bla
2)Chicken bla bl baalba
3)Chicken *#$$%#!@
4)Prawn fry with (*((^&^
This ws how the menu appeared to me..
So I asked the other guys to order for me.
I made a sweep of the restaraunt..
We sat confortably in a corner , with a full view of the restaraunt...
there was a West Indian Samba Kinda music was playin in the back ground..
I searched for some good looking opp sex in the room... none there were..
3 forigners.. another 6 Indians (I suppose they were from a same project team)
and us..
Thats it,
The Waiter came for the order he seemed to young for a waiter hardly 18yrs or 17yrs.
They ordered some stuff.
The waiter came and told that my dish was finished for the day..
So I closed my eyes and selected the first plate on the menu page which was open...
I called the waiter and showed the dish to the waiter as it was difficult to prononunce..(The next morning I read in the paper it was impolite to point at a dish to the waiter and U have to give try to prononuce the dish..)
The waiter went and came back and told..that the prepartion includes dipping the chicken in "Wine"...He asked is that OK..I thought so wat they are dipping it before frying y not ...So I waved my fingers like Neelambari of paadayapa (meaning I told them to proceed)..
We waited for or dish to arrive for more than 30 minutes....
Then the dish arrived..
The Moment of truth...
It contained a pulav kind of stuff in the bottom above which deep fried chicken which was soaking in "Wine"..
I looked at the others and at thier food meaning I was looking for a exchange of food... but no, everyone smiled and they dug into thier own food...leaving me alone to play with my food.
I started and to my surprise I was at ease with a fork, knife and spoon...
All of them asked weather they had given trainnig on table manners in BIM..
I used my fork in left hand to hold the food and used the knife which was in my right to cut the food.
So here is another piece if info americans hold the fork in left hand and Europeans in their right..seemed funny
OK comming back to the food..
First the taste seemed so good I started to like it and I was relishing the food.. This was because the wine has settled in the bottom of the plate and since I was on the top layer of the dish it was good for me.. as i was about to finsih the plate, I had a good taste of wine... and it started to get rite to my felt wierd...I know that the wine will have nil effect in my system.... but it was the first time... It was gettin rite to my head..felt little dizzy for a while (like 10 sec) then i was back to normal...
the other new things I had in the restaraunt
Peanut butter milk shake...
Some West Indian Pulav...
by the time we finished it was 11 o clock time to leave.. I felt sleepy.. and was fighting to keep awake as there was football match at 0030 hrs... and I stayed awake..
So guys Iam no more drinks virgin.. I had my own taste...
The last 2 posts were exclusively for football because of the worldcup thats happening and so hot..
West Indian Restaurant...
This time it is about my visit to an west Indian restarant which is in Bangalore in C.M.H road. Well Vadivel anna asked do u prefer non veg or veg...So I thought about it... It was a while since I had non Veg so I told him why not... I was busy with something . He made some calls nd we left for the restaurant around 2120 hrs, On the way he told he has called 2 of his friends to give me company. I asked why.. then came the truth he told he was a vegitarian...Damn me..How could I forget that....
Now the situation was a no turn back situation.. 4 of us went to the restaraunt..
It was called SUE Restaraunt. So once we entered the other guys gave a brief about the restaraunt.
They told that this restaraunt belonged to one lady who was supposed to be the KEEP of Sir Vivan Richards..the cricketing legend.. They also told that when West Indies toured Bangalore..The team had a buffet lunch in the restaraunt. and all the players signed in a bat which was kept for display.
So thats about the restaraunt..
U will ask why a blog dedicated to the restaraunt..You will know why very soon.
I opened the Menu book.. Everyting were like greek and latin to me..
1)Chicken bla bla
2)Chicken bla bl baalba
3)Chicken *#$$%#!@
4)Prawn fry with (*((^&^
This ws how the menu appeared to me..
So I asked the other guys to order for me.
I made a sweep of the restaraunt..
We sat confortably in a corner , with a full view of the restaraunt...
there was a West Indian Samba Kinda music was playin in the back ground..
I searched for some good looking opp sex in the room... none there were..
3 forigners.. another 6 Indians (I suppose they were from a same project team)
and us..
Thats it,
The Waiter came for the order he seemed to young for a waiter hardly 18yrs or 17yrs.
They ordered some stuff.
The waiter came and told that my dish was finished for the day..
So I closed my eyes and selected the first plate on the menu page which was open...
I called the waiter and showed the dish to the waiter as it was difficult to prononunce..(The next morning I read in the paper it was impolite to point at a dish to the waiter and U have to give try to prononuce the dish..)
The waiter went and came back and told..that the prepartion includes dipping the chicken in "Wine"...He asked is that OK..I thought so wat they are dipping it before frying y not ...So I waved my fingers like Neelambari of paadayapa (meaning I told them to proceed)..
We waited for or dish to arrive for more than 30 minutes....
Then the dish arrived..
The Moment of truth...
It contained a pulav kind of stuff in the bottom above which deep fried chicken which was soaking in "Wine"..
I looked at the others and at thier food meaning I was looking for a exchange of food... but no, everyone smiled and they dug into thier own food...leaving me alone to play with my food.
I started and to my surprise I was at ease with a fork, knife and spoon...
All of them asked weather they had given trainnig on table manners in BIM..
I used my fork in left hand to hold the food and used the knife which was in my right to cut the food.
So here is another piece if info americans hold the fork in left hand and Europeans in their right..seemed funny
OK comming back to the food..
First the taste seemed so good I started to like it and I was relishing the food.. This was because the wine has settled in the bottom of the plate and since I was on the top layer of the dish it was good for me.. as i was about to finsih the plate, I had a good taste of wine... and it started to get rite to my felt wierd...I know that the wine will have nil effect in my system.... but it was the first time... It was gettin rite to my head..felt little dizzy for a while (like 10 sec) then i was back to normal...
the other new things I had in the restaraunt
Peanut butter milk shake...
Some West Indian Pulav...
by the time we finished it was 11 o clock time to leave.. I felt sleepy.. and was fighting to keep awake as there was football match at 0030 hrs... and I stayed awake..
So guys Iam no more drinks virgin.. I had my own taste...
Monday, July 03, 2006
Why Footbal is far more better than cricket...
1) I just spend 2 hours (2.5hrs extreme cases) to watch or play a game of futbal...
In Cricket I spend a entire day for a one day match. Worst case I spend a entire week for a test match ( Man 5 days for a match I think it is too much)
2) Footbal never belives in luck.. Either u win the toss or not dosent affect the play at all.
Cricket - talk about the toss. It is the deciding factor..U win, u get to chose whether to bat or field based on the pitch report. The games result are alomst known after the toss. Whats the fun playing after that.
3) Footbal is never and cannot be a one man game. Here players can show only extra ordinary performance and make the team move forward (Sachin scores and India Wins else a typica example how the game works in Footbal)
4) A sport or a game should be played where all the players are involved. In footbal u always expect the ball to come to you anytime and the ball always comes to the player. So even if u dont get the ball u make moves in footbal to distract the other players attention (U either mark a player if your a defender or If you are a attacker u try to create space to recive a pass)
5)In football only if you have a 2 lead position and only in the injury time the team which is in lead is in confortable position. In criket, we can know the results halfway through the game(very rarely it happens the other way in cricket)
6)More than all the above points. This deserves physical fitness, stamina, unlike cricket.(Duh, Iam hurt I will have a by-runner. Iam not a good runner I will stay in close quarters slip or mid on...)
7) U always get a second chance in footbal to show ur skill and turn the match..In cricket U get duck out.. u have to wait for the next match...If ur a good batsman alone and not a good fielder or bowler and u get out in single digit..the batsman talent goes to waste, he cant help the team again
8)In footbal I can form stratergies and can implement them.. I have to work as a team. I should understand the skill set of each player. In cricket I dont need to such kind of things.
These are some of the FEW reasons why Football is a better game
1) I just spend 2 hours (2.5hrs extreme cases) to watch or play a game of futbal...
In Cricket I spend a entire day for a one day match. Worst case I spend a entire week for a test match ( Man 5 days for a match I think it is too much)
2) Footbal never belives in luck.. Either u win the toss or not dosent affect the play at all.
Cricket - talk about the toss. It is the deciding factor..U win, u get to chose whether to bat or field based on the pitch report. The games result are alomst known after the toss. Whats the fun playing after that.
3) Footbal is never and cannot be a one man game. Here players can show only extra ordinary performance and make the team move forward (Sachin scores and India Wins else a typica example how the game works in Footbal)
4) A sport or a game should be played where all the players are involved. In footbal u always expect the ball to come to you anytime and the ball always comes to the player. So even if u dont get the ball u make moves in footbal to distract the other players attention (U either mark a player if your a defender or If you are a attacker u try to create space to recive a pass)
5)In football only if you have a 2 lead position and only in the injury time the team which is in lead is in confortable position. In criket, we can know the results halfway through the game(very rarely it happens the other way in cricket)
6)More than all the above points. This deserves physical fitness, stamina, unlike cricket.(Duh, Iam hurt I will have a by-runner. Iam not a good runner I will stay in close quarters slip or mid on...)
7) U always get a second chance in footbal to show ur skill and turn the match..In cricket U get duck out.. u have to wait for the next match...If ur a good batsman alone and not a good fielder or bowler and u get out in single digit..the batsman talent goes to waste, he cant help the team again
8)In footbal I can form stratergies and can implement them.. I have to work as a team. I should understand the skill set of each player. In cricket I dont need to such kind of things.
These are some of the FEW reasons why Football is a better game
Football fever
Football fever..
With the world cup 2006 going towards the climax. I was bit hurt when Argentina did not make it through the quarter finals.. They played like a team. Some say it was because the wrong substitutes at the wrong time. But I can’t say that i completely agree with that, the coach was left with lesser choices due to the unexpected injury of "Oscar" the goal keeper. It was a clear foul play by Klose. It was a corner kick and Klose was no where near the ball the ball was away from him like 2 feet above his head. I don’t know how could referee can ignore such a incident. In the end Klose landed in Knee right on the hip of Oscar. Having played football for sometime during my college and school days, I could feel the pain in my hip when Oscar received those blow. It definitely deserved a hard warning or a red card. This is one such instance.
I will attribute the loss of Argentina to "poor referring". I don’t know whether the poor referring is intentional, just because it is their home ground and the officials wants to avoid the crowd getting wild.

Before the match

After the match
One happy thing happened as I expected Zizou came back with a bang. I always thought why they had chosen Zizou as the “Football player for the year” for more than two
times. I take back my word..Wov what game he played. He is truely inspirational.
If footbal is a religion I will worship Zizou
Zizou after the extraordinary pass to Henry which he converted it into a goal.
With the world cup 2006 going towards the climax. I was bit hurt when Argentina did not make it through the quarter finals.. They played like a team. Some say it was because the wrong substitutes at the wrong time. But I can’t say that i completely agree with that, the coach was left with lesser choices due to the unexpected injury of "Oscar" the goal keeper. It was a clear foul play by Klose. It was a corner kick and Klose was no where near the ball the ball was away from him like 2 feet above his head. I don’t know how could referee can ignore such a incident. In the end Klose landed in Knee right on the hip of Oscar. Having played football for sometime during my college and school days, I could feel the pain in my hip when Oscar received those blow. It definitely deserved a hard warning or a red card. This is one such instance.
I will attribute the loss of Argentina to "poor referring". I don’t know whether the poor referring is intentional, just because it is their home ground and the officials wants to avoid the crowd getting wild.

Before the match

After the match
One happy thing happened as I expected Zizou came back with a bang. I always thought why they had chosen Zizou as the “Football player for the year” for more than two
times. I take back my word..Wov what game he played. He is truely inspirational.
If footbal is a religion I will worship Zizou

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